Faculty Profile


Luke Reinsma


Email: lreinsma@hebhgkq.com

Education: BA, Calvin College, 1970; PhD, University of Michigan, 1978
Specialties: 中世纪文学,说明文

Born in the Netherlands, Luke Reinsma has been devoted to Christian education his entire life – first as a student at a little Dutch Calvinist Christian school in north Seattle; then at the equally Dutch Calvin(ist) College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 他差点被开除因为他在 Bananer, a spoof of the church magazine; then as a teacher at a Baptist private school in Memphis, Tennessee, whose secretary was Johnny Cash’s sister; then for a couple of years at East Grand Rapids Christian High School, where (after tearing the principal’s loudspeaker out of the wall) he discovered that he liked teaching better than babysitting; then (as a student again) in the ’70s at the University of Michigan, 他从哪里开始研究中世纪, writing his dissertation on the Old English homilies of the Benedictine monk Aelfric; and, finally, 在明尼苏达州的一所路德教会学院教了几年书, where, 被两百万英亩的玉米包围着, 他渴望回到太平洋西北部的山区.

因在西雅图大学忠心服务25年而获颁金表, 他最近计算了一下,在过去的四分之一个世纪里,他一直在太平洋西北部教书和登山. 当他不教英国文学、语法和英国历史的时候. Reinsma spends his spare time supervising students in elementary education; working with University Scholars; reading Chaucer for iTunes; taking students on study abroad tours of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England; hanging out at Caffe Vita with students over good coffee; and hiking Mt. 周四早上6点,我和那些蠢到从床上爬起来的学生们在一起.m.

In the meanwhile, 为了寻找“圣杯”——史上最好的十本书,他读了大量的忧郁书籍, 包括罗伯特·卡罗的惊艳, 林登·约翰逊的多卷传记, which is about how corruption and power were turned to the public good; Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, and Dennis Johnson’s Tree of Smoke, all obsessed with evil; more recently, Infinite Jest 大卫·福斯特·华莱士(节奏节奏的安魂曲), obsessed with obsessions; and most memorably, Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, 换一种方式,它不仅是赌博十大靠谱软件痴迷,而且最终,就像荷马的诗一样 Iliad, about hope. 想了解更多“卢克的书”,你可以看看他的普通书,伪装成一个 blog.

如果你想读一下他的藏书, 这有点像学术版的脑部扫描, check out Library Thing该网站对数千家图书馆进行了交叉索引,以寻找他们的文学灵魂伴侣. 

当他不教书的时候. 夏天的大部分时间里,莱因斯马都在长距离散步中充实自己的灵魂. 徒步穿越华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的太平洋屋脊步道, 他希望在接下来的几个夏天里在加州慢慢地发展, 为了实现他从墨西哥徒步到加拿大的毕生梦想. Next on the list, the Lord willing, 徒步穿越尼泊尔和, 庆祝他的退休, 沿着阿巴拉契亚山径从乔治亚州到缅因州走了很长一段路.

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