Immerse Yourself in Discipleship

Immerse 2019 group shot under the arch at SPU
Immerse: Youth Discipleship Academy

IMMERSE is a seven-day youth discipleship academy for high school-aged Christian leaders, hosted on 校园 at SPU and at our beautiful 凯西军营 Conference Center 在惠德贝岛.

在浸泡, high school students will grow in their discipleship by experiencing components of Christian identity formation through classroom instruction from world-class scholars, the practice of worship and other spiritual disciplines, onsite contextual application of faith to contemporary real-world issues, small and large group community-building, and recreational opportunities unique to 西雅图 and the Pacific Northwest.

In light of SPU’s COVID-19 guidelines, as well as our desire to prioritize the safety of our students and staff, IMMERSE is pursuing a hybrid format for the 2021 academy.

  • 参与者: 学生 who are in grades 9–11 in the 2020–21 school year
  • 日期: 2021年7月11日至17日
  • 学费成本: 每名学生$200.
  • 地点: Online; SPU Campus
自2017年以来, 温哥华学生, BC, 夏威夷, 堪萨斯, 加州, 俄勒冈州, 爱达荷州, 密歇根, and Washington State have attended SPU IMMERSE. 你可能是下一个!

Qualify for the “对未来的信念” Scholarship for attending SPU IMMERSE!

IMMERSE students who enroll as undergraduates at SPU in 2021 will qualify for SPU’s “对未来的信念” scholarship, which covers 50% of tuition and is renewable for four years! IMMERSE students must apply for admission, 被准许进入, and enroll at SPU in autumn 2021 to qualify. 参观 网站,或联系 or 欲知详情. 

登记 is OPEN for the summer 2021 program. Follow us on 脸谱网 at for the latest info.

Refer a potential Immerse student 注册ed students: make a payment New students: register here

Discover who you are and your role in God’s story:

  • Journey alongside well-trained discipleship leaders, with you every step of the way
  • Receive in-depth teaching from SPU 神学院 professors
  • Enjoy recreational opportunities both on SPU’s beautiful urban 校园 在风景中 凯西军营 在惠德贝岛
  • Engage in hands-on learning opportunities with local ministries grappling with real-world issues
  • Enter into daily worship experiences and practice of spiritual disciplines
  • Participate in lively small- and large-group community-building

Establish yourself as a leader for your generation and within the church. Deepen your understanding of a living God and of yourself as a disciple of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let this experience shape your life trajectory as you prepare for the next season of your high school career. 注册 今天!


登记 is OPEN for the summer 2021 program. Follow us on 脸谱网 at for the latest info.

  • 参与者: 学生 who are in grades 9–11 in the 2020–21 school year
  • 日期: 2021年7月11日至17日
  • 成本: 学费 for Immerse 2021 is 每名学生$200.
  • 地点: Online; SPU Campus.

Refer a potential Immerse student 注册ed students: make a payment

筹款, You are encouraged to talk with your pastor or other church leader to discover what financial resources might be available to help with the cost of attending Immerse. 这 sample letter to church leaders (doc) can help with your request.

你也可以发送 letters to family members (文件)和值得信赖的导师. Think about the adults in your life who have discipled you: family members, 青年领袖, 主日学教师, and trusted adult friends and mentors. They may be willing to help you attend Immerse.

问题? 电子邮件


What Will I Do at Immerse?

Learn more about the Immerse experience, and take a look at a typical day at Immerse.
