Service and Assistance Animals


好的赌博软件推荐所有的校园建筑都有“禁止宠物”的规定, including University housing. 然而, 服务性动物被允许在校园和宿舍里陪伴它们的训导员. 援助动物(或情感支持动物)可以通过残疾支持服务要求作为住房住宿.


  • 服务的动物: 残疾狗:经过单独训练为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗. 
  • Assistance Animals/ESAs: Can be dogs and other animals, that provide passive support that mitigates, 全部或部分, an impact of a person’s disability, 让他们受益于好的赌博软件推荐的住房和居住生活项目和服务.
  • 合作伙伴: A person with a service or assistance animal. 
  • 团队: A person with a disability and their service animal. The two work as a cohesive team in accomplishing the tasks of everyday living.

Service Animal 政策

SPU的 Service Animals Polic根据《好的赌博软件推荐》,为残疾学生使用服务性动物, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 服务性动物经过训练,能够执行主动任务,减轻或部分减轻处理者残疾的影响,受《赌博十大靠谱软件》保护.  If a Service Animal’s role is not apparent by observation, you may be asked “Is that a service animal for a disability?” and “What service/tasks does it perform for you?” The service animal is an access need, not something you need to request as an accommodation; therefore, 你不需要提交残疾证明文件就可以在校园里使用. 然而, please do let us know it is coming.  Documentation is only needed if you are requesting additional accommodations.

All SPU students and employees are encouraged to be familiar with this policy, regardless of whether they use a Service Animal, 这样他们就能意识到他人的权利和需求,并了解在校园里对服务性动物的适当行为.

Assistance Animal 政策

Under the Fair 住房 Act (1988), Assistance Animals can also include animals other than just dogs, 提供被动支持,减轻或至少部分减轻残疾人残疾的影响,使他们能够从SPU的项目和服务中受益.  提供这些被动服务的动物通常被称为援助动物或情感支持动物(esa)。.  援助(或ESA)动物可以请求并由残疾支持服务部门批准住房分配. 大学宿舍的动物援助请求(或ESA)由残疾支持服务部门提交并批准.

请参阅SPU Assistance Animal 政策 了解更多信息. If you would like to discuss this option as an accommodation, please call 206.281.2272 or email to set up an appointment.  

Requesting Accommodation of an Assistance Animal/ESA 


  1. 提交动物援助申请表格-由学生填写(表格向发展支援处索取) 
  2. 将由健康或精神健康护理提供者填写的援助动物验证表提交给DSS. (form obtained from DSS)
  3. 向DSS提交一份健康状况良好/接种疫苗的兽医报告,并证明该动物已获得西雅图市的许可. (City of 西雅图 online pet licensing portal)
  4. 一旦提交上述文件,请与DSS预约讨论住宿. 
  5. 如果学生申请“援助动物”被批准或拒绝,学生将收到DSS的通知. 如果最初的援助动物验证表格没有提供必要的信息,DSS可能会要求提供额外的信息.
  6. 学生将与DSS工作人员预约查看动物协议表格,并被告知动物入住日期.  

All steps must be completed prior to Assistance Animal arrival. 未经许可将动物带入校园的学生将被要求将动物带离校园.

Animal Care and Conduct 

所有的动物都要对它们的训导员负责,应该在他们的控制之下(靠近训导员并对命令作出反应), 在日常工作中, 栓着, 或在载体中).

  • 辅助动物和服务动物必须被驯养,并在主人的控制下(声音或系绳). (侧重于社会化和一般服从训练的幼犬饲养可能不符合“不守规矩”的标准.)
  • Assistance Animals should not be disruptive (excessive noise, barking, etc.), 并对船东或他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁(包括咆哮), 咬, 抓, 跳到别人身上, and other aggressive behavior).
  • Assistance Animals must not be left alone for extended periods of time. 如果处理者将离开动物过夜,处理者有责任安排照顾动物.
  • 援助动物或服务性动物的所有废物必须弃置在室外的容器内.

An animal’s behavior is considered the handler’s responsibility; the animal will be held to the same basic standard of conduct as its handler. 如果动物破坏了大学商业或社区的行为期望,为教育, 医疗, and residential environments, 操作者可能会被要求纠正动物的行为或将其从环境中移除.


The process for approving an Assistance Animal may take up to 6-8 weeks. 请求援助动物住宿应在6月1日收到残疾支持服务秋季季度.


DSS will always do its best to reasonably accommodate in a timely manner; however, 错过最后期限可能会影响被批准的动物被带到校园的时间.

Conflicting disabilities or health issues

It is common for persons to have an allergic reaction to animals. 应指示提出哮喘/过敏/医疗投诉的人向DSS提出投诉. 投诉者应出示证明其投诉的医疗文件. 应采取行动考虑双方的需要,并尽可能有效和迅速地解决问题.

第一人称的权利: 如果第一个被允许进入住房单元的人使用了服务性动物,而另一个人有严重的过敏症, the first person should not be moved to accommodate the second person.