
林2100: Foundations of Language Study (5)


Develops conceptual tools for understanding the nature and the processes of language: phonology, 形态, 语法, 语义与语用学. Personal and professional attitudes toward the world of language are reexamined.

属性: 周人文

林3700: 哲学 of Language (3)


We typically communicate by using language, where communicating involves conveying meaning. 但这是什么意思呢?? 什么是语言? 哲学 of language examines these and related issues, such as: in virtue of what do words, 或名字, 指物体或人? How do we mean more than what we literally say? Related topics include theories of meaning and reference, the distinction between 语义与语用学, 以及语言行为的多样性. May also cover recent work on metaphor and non-literal speech, pejoratives, or the language and power of propagandistic speech.

同类产品: φ3700 属性: 上部分 先决条件: PHI 1001: D或更高 或PHI 1002: D或更好 或PHI 1004: D或更好 OR 林2100: D或更好 或UCOR 3000d或更高



A thorough study of sound systems and processes, with problem-solving experience in the analysis of 英语 and other languages.

属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好



A thorough study of word structures and processes, with problem-solving experience in the analysis of 英语 and other languages.

属性: 上部分 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好

林4200: Second Language Acquisition (5)


Presents an intensive study of the research literature so that students will become familiar with recent findings on the acquisition of a second language and with the research process.

同类产品: 林6200 属性: 上部分 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好



Teaches research methods in applied linguistics, emphasizing the concepts and procedures of quantitative and qualitative. 涵盖描述性统计, 有效性和可靠性的问题, 数据收集和分析, 研究设计. Prepares students to critically evaluate research articles and to develop an original research proposal.

同类产品: 林6250 属性: 上部分 限制: 不包括博士、研究生. 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好 和(林4200):D或更好 OR 林6200: D或更高)

林4365: Methods of Foreign Language Teaching (5)


An overview of the theoretical paradigms of second language learning and teaching; definition and evaluation of communicative competence; strategies for teaching skills of listening, 说话, 阅读, and writing; selection and development of instructional materials.

属性: 上部分 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好



Provides an intensive investigation into contemporary 英语 sentence structures through the application of current syntactic theory. Basic rule making and rule testing are examined in 英语.

属性: 上部分 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好



Looks more closely at how language is influenced by context, 包括社会, 文化, 心理, 地理, 政治因素. This interdisciplinary course draws from sociology, anthropology, and linguistics.

属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 先决条件: 林2100:D或更好

林4601: 历史 of the 英语 Language (3)


研究了盎格鲁-撒克逊, 中间, and modern forms of 英语 in historical development and individual language systems. 包括语音, 形态, 语法, and some discussion of the relationships of each language stage to literary expression during its era. 通常提供:每隔一年.

同类产品: 4601年英格 属性: 上部分

林4899: 语言学 Capstone Seminar (3)


Encourages recollection and reflection on previous coursework in linguistics, 语言文化研究, integration of knowledge with the student's own faith commitment, and further pursuit of an area of scholarly interest to the student, 在毕业论文中达到高潮.

属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程



Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

属性: 上部分



Directed Readings May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: 新生不包括在内.



Tutorial Practicum May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: 新生不包括在内.



Provides opportunity for practical application of linquistics. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

属性: 上部分

林4950: Special Topics in 语言学 (1-5)


语言学选修课. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: 新生不包括在内.

林4952: Special Topics in 语言学 (1-5)


语言学专题. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: 新生不包括在内.