
蚂蚁1110: General 人类学 (5)


Provides a survey of the sub-disciplines that make up anthropology: physical anthropology, 考古学, 以及文化人类学. A cross-cultural study of the physical and cultural 改变s experienced by humankind in response to a continuous process of adaptation, 改变, 和发展.

蚂蚁2250: Cultural 人类学 (5)


Focuses upon the comparative study of human cultures: technological, 经济, 社会, 政治, 还有宗教体系, with examples drawn from selected cultures of the world.

属性: 文化的理解&Engagement, WK Social 科学

蚂蚁3000: Introduction to Biological 人类学 (5)


Introduces basic principles for understanding humans from a biological perspective. This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of biological anthropology. Explores topics of human and non-human primate genetics, 行为, 和演化, as well as human ecology and medical anthropology. 通常提供时间:秋季.

同类产品: 生物3000 属性: 文化的理解&Engagement, 上部分, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course 限制: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded. 先决条件: BIO 1101: C或更好 OR BIO 1103: C或更高 OR BIO 2103: C-或更高 OR BIO 2570: C-或更高

蚂蚁4900: 独立学习 (1-5)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

属性: 上部分

蚂蚁4920: Readings in Selected Fields (1-5)


May be repeated for credit up to 14 credits.

属性: 上部分

蚂蚁4970: Independent Research (1-5)


May be repeated for credit up to 30 credits.

属性: 上部分