
响应 invites memories for a former SPU staff member



编者按: A worship service in honor of 乔 Snell was held October 25, featuring the SPU Gospel Choir and Ensemble, 以及特邀嘉宾丹尼尔·达蒙 & 皇室. An offering was taken for the new 乔 K. Snell Minority Student Scholarship Endowment.


约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔, 曾任好的赌博软件推荐学生项目助理主任和跨文化事务主任, 8月5日意外死亡, 2009. 当时他46岁. 四个孩子中的一个, 斯内尔在德克萨斯州长大, eventually attending Lamar University in Beaumont, 德州. 随后,他获得了弗吉尼亚州瑞吉斯大学的管理学硕士学位.


In 2001, Snell joined the staff of 好的赌博软件推荐. 他很快成为帮助大学扩大其当时新的多样性倡议的重要人物. 在SPU的时候, he helped students form the ASSP President’s Action Committee; the Mosaic cadre for students exploring the topic of reconciliation; Night of Beats; and the student club Salsa. He also guided students in their efforts to bring the National Christian Multicultural Student Leaders Conference (NCMSLC) 2004年搬到旧金山大学校园.


“乔在学校期间为赌博十大靠谱软件的校园社区和赌博十大靠谱软件的和解工作做出了重大贡献,西雅图州立大学校长菲利普·伊顿说. “他通过分享他的时间和个人层面的关心,对赌博十大靠谱软件的学生产生了非常特殊的影响. He simply changed lives during his time with us.”


In 2007, Snell left SPU and became the director for Multiethnic Programs at 亚利桑那太平洋大学 在加州洛杉矶. 他的父母先于他去世, 他身后有两个兄弟, 一个妹妹, 还有很多其他的家庭成员.


响应 invited colleagues and friends to share their remembrances of 乔 Snell here.


塔利·海尔斯顿的《好的赌博软件推荐》, director for the John Perkins Center for Reconciliation, 领导力培训, 及社区发展


"An SPU Student Remembers" by Belinda Aldrett他是上海外国语大学英语专业大四学生


"Groundbreaking Work" by Susan Okamoto Lane多民族项目主任


"A Gentle Prophet" by Debra Sequeira他是传播学教授、文理学院副院长



If you have a remembrance of 乔 Snell, too, tell us, and see it posted below.






On the 10 year anniversary of your homegoing you have not been forgotten Mr. 乔.



发布于2010年6月28日,在7:02 a.m.


我永远不会忘记乔,他是20世纪80年代末和90年代初在赌博十大靠谱软件的大学和职业班复兴中发挥重要作用的两个人之一. 乔对耶稣的爱是有感染力的. Absolutely no question our pal is with Jesus now.





I was privileged to spend about 2 years in a mentoring relationship with 乔. 赌博十大靠谱软件乔,我可以绝对肯定地说,他热切地相信所有人之间的种族和解, and especially within the Body of Christ. Although that was not the subject of my work with him, 赌博十大靠谱软件花了几个小时讨论在教会潜意识中运作的微妙的种族区别. 和, although that was not the subject of my work with him, 他让我审视自己的内心,看到我没有意识到的、隐藏在表面之下的种族偏见. I am a better man for my time with him.


乔 was a deep thinker, earnest, insightful...非常有趣. 当轮到他在赌博十大靠谱软件的小男人小组演讲时,他让我大吃一惊! 这是很严重的, 古怪的, sometimes tormented brother acting like a veritable comedian, 把赌博十大靠谱软件都逗乐了——我意识到乔还有另一个我没有看到的完整的一面.


I lost touch with 乔 after he moved to 加州. News of his death shocks me and saddens me, but like others have mentioned below, 他现在痊愈了,平静了, united with his Lord and reunited with his beloved mama and others. I look forward to catching up with him again someday.


马库斯一. 山

Posted September 17, 2009, at 10:32 p.m.


For seven unforgettable years, 乔 played many roles in my life. When I moved to Seattle to attend college, 乔 was my mentor. He played the role of a pastor and provided me with pastoral care. When my father neglected and did not love me, 乔 provided me with fatherly love and nurturing, and when my heart was broken he was my shoulder to cry on.


When I graduated from 好的赌博软件推荐, 我记得乔, 站在倾盆大雨中, 沉浸在他的王权之中, 昂首阔步, 他喊道, ”马库斯, 赌博十大靠谱软件做到了!“我记得乔给了我一个最大的击掌和最大的拥抱,他的手臂环绕着我,雨继续下着. 后来, 我的家人, 我的朋友和乔, returned to the house for a time of celebrating and sharing. As 乔 was meeting and greeting 我的家人 at the party, I remember thinking how much of an imprint 乔 left, which shaped the young man I have become.


乔 met me when I was hopeless, fatherless, and broken. 乔是一个充满希望的人,他相信和解是每个人的事:教会, 学校, 公司, 家庭, 男性和女性, 所有种族. He taught me to find what I was passionate about and pursue my dream. 乔 was a smart, intelligent, funny, heartwarming, nerdy, guy. 我想念他.


乔 had the ability to make you laugh so hard that tears would flow. 因为他对他人生活的热情,乔鼓励我继续我的教育. 他教导我,事奉是一种职业,是一种呼召,一个人必须有充分的装备来处理它. 正是因为这个原因,我申请了阿苏萨太平洋学院,并被录取了. When 乔 encouraged me to go to graduate school, 他不知道我又选择了和他一起度过接下来的三年.


当我在加州给他惊喜的时候, and informed him that we would be together for three more years, 乔不得不坐下来算算. He had to add the five years in Seattle plus three more years at APU, that equaled early retirement for 乔. 所以乔做了赌博十大靠谱软件在西雅图一起度过的过去五年他一直在做的事情, 他带我去吃午饭. 如果有一件事乔和我做得很好,那就是吃一桶炸鸡. For 乔, fried chicken was not the same without his red rooster hot sauce.


过去两年了, 乔做了他最擅长的事, 他指导我, he loved me and he spent countless hours listening to me. 乔 and I never knew how to have short conversations. 但这就是为什么他叫乔. A few weeks before 乔 passed, we spent three hours talking in his office. 后来, he gave me a couple of things to do that would help me. 我还没来得及告诉他,我完全照他说的做了——就这一次,他就去世了!


The most important noteworthy attribute of 乔 was that he was authentic. Like the rest of us, he had struggles, issues and much heartache. 失去母亲的痛苦在她去世前后都很痛苦. 乔 would find comfort in knowing mama's resting in the arms of the almighty. He would sit in his office and regardless of what he was doing; he always had gospel music playing on his computer. 乔 loved Jesus and he knew God would supply all his needs.


乔死前不久,他和安布尔·布朗、丹尼斯·格里森一起去吃午饭. 以苦乐参半的方式, 被邀请与主共进晚餐并坐在他的桌子旁是一件多么令人敬畏的事啊. How awesome is it to feast on His everlasting peace, and to drink of the cup of the living water that will never run dry. Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. In a twinkling of an eye, 乔 saw Jesus. 他不再挣扎了. 他没有痛苦,没有心痛. Now his soul rest in the arms of the almighty and he is hurting no longer. 因为将来有许多人要像他来, 他们可能会像他一样讲笑话, 他们可能会像他一样说话, and they may even be able to imitate him to the very essence, but there will always be only one 约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔. 我爱你,乔!


马库斯一. 山





D. 韦斯利·波伊特雷斯,m.s.A.

Posted September 11, 2009, at 8:31 a.m.


我很幸运能在NCMSLC的一些会议上与乔 Snell分享一些宝贵的时间,我很感激上帝允许赌博十大靠谱软件这样做. He had such a wonderful spirit and it was like a ray of sun light.


感谢你给赌博十大靠谱软件这个机会,让赌博十大靠谱软件与你和你的机构分享和哀悼. Just remember, he is not gone, 乔 lives within us all. Many blessings to you and SPU during this difficult time.




D. 韦斯利·波伊特雷斯,m.s.A.





Posted September 11, 2009, at 8:24 a.m.


“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"


2009年8月5日星期三,约瑟夫·凯文·斯内尔因心脏病发作去世. 约瑟夫被许多人亲切地称为乔,然而,对亲密的家人来说,他只是乔比. 乔选择在德克萨斯州博蒙特的拉马尔大学攻读本科学位. His master's degree in Management was earned at Regis University in Virginia.

最近, 乔曾担任洛杉矶阿苏萨太平洋大学多民族项目主任, 加州. 在APU任职之前, 他曾在华盛顿的好的赌博软件推荐成功地担任过类似的职位. 也, 他和他的学生领袖经常参加全国基督教多元文化学生领袖会议. 事实上,乔在2004年为SPU获得了NCMSLC,并担任了会议的主持主任. 通过他的勤奋, 承诺, 指导, 共同掌权, 注重细节和热情的精神, 他和SPU的同事和学生们举办了一次非常成功的会议.

许多人被乔真诚的同情心所感动,并从他真诚无私的领导中受益. His warm smile and inspirational supportive footprint will forever be with us. 赌博十大靠谱软件的心、思想和祈祷与他的家人、学生、同事和朋友同在.







就像塔利在给乔的布道中写的那样, 赌博十大靠谱软件中的许多人在SPU都经历过无数的“乔时刻”,这些时刻帮助赌博十大靠谱软件度过了艰难和困惑的时刻. 我清楚地记得有一天,在一次小组讨论后,我感到彻底失望,于是我冲进了乔的办公室, holding back tears and gushing with questions. 乔温柔地认可了我,并给了我一些资源,帮助我理解我所遇到的群体动态.


然后, 从那以后,我做了很多次, 他鼓励我耐心和坚持不懈地寻求上帝的国度. 和, he found a way to make me laugh--let's be honest--when 乔 laughs, you can't help but laugh along with him.


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