


  • 当前的学生, 未来的学生, 父母, 校友, 媒体, 教师, 捐助者, 研究生, 工作人员?
  • Differentiate your primary and secondary audiences.
  • 识别观众背景, 目标, 挑战, 人口统计资料, and interests to determine the best social 媒体 platform to use and content you’ll be posting.


  • 你希望在社交媒体上实现什么? (e.g. 提高特定受众的意识, 产生网络流量, 确定学生前景或招收学生, 生成事件出席率, 加强声誉, 建立成分亲和力.)
  • 这将成为你战略的基础.

What resources (time, funds, technology, talents) can my department commit?

  • Do you have a 工作人员 member with time to devote to social 媒体?
    • 赌博十大靠谱软件建议每天预留一个小时.
    • Consider not only the posting schedule, but time to monitor and respond to your audience.
    • Set aside an hour a month to dive into the analytics on your channels, 看看什么有效, 衡量你的成功.
  • Is your appointed 工作人员 member trained in communications and 媒体? 
    • If not, are professional development funds available?
    • Please connect with your communications specialist in University Communications for training and best practices.
  • 你将从哪里获取你的content? (e.g. 时事通讯、教员研究、推荐书、
  • Where will you get your photos, graphics, or images? Do you need to get permission ahead of time use certain photos?
  • Do you have funds to commit to a social 媒体 management platform, which can help you schedule content and monitor comments, 喜欢, 和问题?
    • UC uses Hootsuite Pro, and seats are $150/user/month. 联系UC了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件使用Hootsuite的信息.
  • If you will want to run contests or advertise campaigns, what is your budget?

What defines “success” in my social 媒体 efforts?

  • 你的关键绩效指标是什么??
    • UC looks at growth, engagement rate (engagements/impressions), and channel reach.


  • Consider these questions when deciding whether you should create a new social 媒体 channel:
    • What platforms does your target audience spend the most time on?
    • 每个平台的优势是什么?
    • What content and images do you have to share, and where will it best perform?
    • Is there an audience interested in this content on this platform?
    • Start small and sustainable, and scale up as you grow your audience and flesh out your strategy.
  • Many departments and programs across campus have their own well-developed and popular social 媒体 channels, 最著名的是田径. 然而, 在启动一个新的社交媒体账户之前, carefully evaluate if an existing established channel will be more effective to partner with than starting fresh.
  • SPU departments and organizations interested in starting a new social 媒体 channel are encouraged to reach out to their communications specialist in UC. Our social 媒体 team can make strategic recommendations based on audience, content, 目标, 和资源.
  • *请注意: Creating a new YouTube channel is not encouraged. To upload content to SPU’s existing YouTube account, contact your communications specialist in University Communications.


  • content是社交策略的支柱.
  • Before making the first post, the most important thing is to have a solid plan and strategy. Do extensive research to be sure that you have an intimate understanding of brand/product, 市场, 追随者, 以及期望的结果. Once the campaign has begun or content has been posted, use analytics to track results and make small adjustments as necessary to optimize the campaign’s effectiveness. Leverage each social 媒体 platform to drive traffic to the others, increasing overall exposure.
  • 好, 有关 引人入胜的content, 鼓励互动, and is highly shareable will help extend your reach, 加深对品牌的参与, 建立更多的忠诚度.
  • When creating content ask yourself these questions:
    1. 这个content的目的是什么?
    2. 我在给谁写信?
    3. 他们感觉如何?? (情绪)
    4. 你想让他们理解什么?
    • *Only 20% of your social 媒体 content should promote your brand while 80% is dedicated to audience interest. 
    • The three main reasons people use social 媒体 is to be informed, entertained, and stay connected.
    • 在开发content时,请考虑标签, 短一点的短信, 更容易被看到和分享), 文字-动作, 和标签.
    • Understand what type of content will perform best on each platform. 例如, Facebook is a great platform to tell stories and share videos (1 in 4 lose interest if a brand doesn’t have videos), Instagram is known for beautiful and powerful images, Twitter依赖于简洁和信息丰富的文本, LinkedIn garners successful engagement through blog posts, 赌博十大靠谱软件/研究, 或者快速提示.

What is my social 媒体 account’s personality, tone & 的声音?

  • 让你的品牌人性化是必要的. People like making connections and investing time and money to people they can relate to.
  • Voice: Distinct and steady personality and style of your brand. (Regardless of channel/情况, your 的声音 remains consistent.)
  • 音调:声音的子集, refers to moods and attitudes of specific content pieces, 哪个可以根据频道而改变, 情况, 和观众.
  • *考虑品牌个性. 如果你的品牌是一个人,他们会怎么说话? (Witty, funny, authoritative, passionate, energetic, etc.)
  • *Each channel requires different kind of storytelling.
  • You can talk about one piece of content in different ways across different platforms, but you should never copy and paste the same text.
    • Don’t create unique content for every platform, but create unique ways to share it.
  • Think about sharing content from an outside groups or people who are partners in your industry or the community or related to your work. (例子, the SPU Twitter accounts regularly retweets Puget Sound Blood Center request for blood donations, or the Washington Secretary of State’s tweets about voting deadlines, or beautiful photos of 西雅图 and the Puget Sound area.)