Low Residency 神学:基督教事工



的 Master of Arts in Christian Ministry degree is designed for students who have a personal interest in theological study, are engaged in congregational or parachurch ministries, or are considering further advanced academic study in theology.  的 Low-Residency version allows students to complete this program in a mostly online, 远程格式.  This affords students the opportunity to pursue their vocational objective without disrupting their local obligations.


的 Low-Residency Master of Arts (Christian Ministry) degree requires you to complete 60 credits of course work.  All but three 2-credit intensive courses in 精神上的 formation may be completed online.  

  • 33个学分 都是从 核心课程 upon which all graduate programs in the 西雅图太平洋神学院 are based.
  • 核心课程 for the Christian Ministry concentration consists of three 2-credit intensive courses in 精神上的 formation and mission; three courses in Bible, 三门教会历史课程, and three courses in theology/ethics.
  • 剩余的27个学分 are in a variety of program-specific courses related to Christian ministry.  This includes a 6-credit Contextual Education Internship. 
  • 所有课程要求 may be taken through distance learning, 除了THEO 6001, 西奥6002, 和THEO 6003, which are intensive courses that take place over a week in late August or early-September. 
  • 国际学生 may not pursue a low residency program. 

You may transfer easily from this degree program to any of the other MA degree programs, or to the 神学硕士 program, if your professional objectives change during your course of study.


To enroll in 好的赌博软件推荐's 神学文学硕士 (MA) program, you must submit:

  • A 研究生网上申请 对入学.
  • 50美元的处理费.
  • 官方成绩单 from all undergraduate institutions.
  • 两封推荐信: 一封来自牧师, 教会职员, or parachurch professional who will attest to the your emotional, 精神上的, and academic readiness for graduate theological study; and (2) one academic reference from a former professor who knows your academic work well.
  • 打印的个人陈述. Statements should be three to four double-spaced pages in length. 的 statement should address your career objectives, a narrative of your personal Christian experience, rationale for seeking the degree and choosing to attend SPU, and other insights you deem appropriate.


If you wish to apply graduate-level coursework completed at a regionally accredited university or an ATS-accredited divinity school or seminary toward your MA, you must provide official transcripts and, 在某些情况下, 课程教学大纲. You may transfer up to 20 quarter credits from other graduate programs.

  • 要获得转学分, each course must be at least 3 graduate-quarter credits and be equivalent to courses taught in the 神学院 at SPU.
  • 每门课程都是 considered on a case-by-case basis as to the fulfillment of specific curricular requirements.
  • 最低成绩为B will be needed for transferred work. 
  • 所有课程 the graduate degree must be taken within seven years of admission.
  • 在所有情况下, the final 20 MA credits must be taken at SPU.


You will have your transcripts evaluated during the admissions process for the following:

  • If you have been granted a master’s degree from another regionally accredited university.
  • 如果你读过研究生课程 神学课程.