Human Development  and Family Studies

The Human Development and Family Studies major in the Family and Consumer 科学 Department is intended to prepare you to understand individuals and families, and to use your knowledge to affect the direction of our culture through human services in business, 社会服务, 教育环境.

  • A minimum 66 credits are required for this major, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • This major includes elective upper-division coursework in sociology, psychology, and health sciences.
  • This major requires completion of the Family and Consumer 科学 Core, 其中包括:
    • FCS 1050 “Introduction to FCS,” completed in your freshman or sophomore year. (If you are a transfer student, you may complete this in your junior year.
    • FCS 3240 “个人 and Family Development,” completed after FCS 1050.
    • FCS 4899 “Senior Capstone,” completed after FCS3240, and during your senior year.
  • You may combine this major with the Family and Consumer 科学 Secondary Education major.
  • A minimum of 30 credits are required for the minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • 个人 and Family Development (major and minor)

个人 and 家庭发展(BA)


应用 to the major or minor

  • You should apply for this major or minor 到大三的时候.
  • 你的申请截止了 on or before the first Friday of Autumn, Winter, or Spring quarter.
  • Applications for this major and minor are reviewed once per quarter.
  • 教员必须批准 all admission to the major and minor.
  • 你的总GPA 必须至少2个吗.5 for admission to this major.
  • 应用 to this major or minor 通过 Major or Minor application. You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the major or minor.



访问 Family and Consumer 科学 to see how an FSC degree can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in the world.

时间表: 家庭消费者科学


Suggested course sequences help you complete your degree in a timely manner.