

Foundations and the federal government all differ in who will receive notice of your grant award, 所以当你收到通知时,请确认百已经收到通知.

Similarly, sometimes we are notified prior to your receiving notification. 赌博十大靠谱软件收到获奖通知后会尽快与您沟通. 同样的, you will need to forward any communication you receive from the sponsor regarding your award. This is important as we must have all documentation associated with your award in your grant file.


The 赞助项目办公室 should receive your grant agreement or contract soon 后 your notice of grant award. 如果你收到这些文件,请转发到百@spu.Edu进行处理. 百 is responsible to review the terms and conditions of the grant agreement to ensure that the award matches the application proposal.

The director of 百 has University-delegated signature authority and will sign on behalf of SPU. 教员(i).e., 主要调查人员), 院长, and chairs cannot sign grant agreements as the award is made to SPU on your behalf.

基于他们的工作原理, 授权机构可以将协议发送到不同的办公室(给你), 百, 你的学校, or even the president) or require the provost or president to sign agreements. 无论如何, 百 will manage collecting the signatures and submitting the grant agreement documents on your behalf. 百将为您的文件复制文档.


百将发送您签署的资助协议. 如果你的资助机构是一个基金会, 百还将写一封电子邮件/便条,感谢赞助商的支持. We also strongly encourage you to write a note of thanks to the foundation. In some cases the President’s 办公室 will send an acknowledgement to the funding agency.


百将向PI发送赠款奖励或协议的副本. 赌博十大靠谱软件将与财务部门合作,划拨限制性资金(预算) number and communicate that number to you, your School’s appropriate budget manager.

即使SPU没有收到拨款, once the grant agreement is signed and a budget number has been assigned, 你可能会开始花钱.

注意: It will typically take one to two business weeks to receive a budget number for your grant.


作为PI, you will need to work closely with your School’s budget manager to spend funds specifically budgeted for in the application (direct costs).

  • 支出可能开始:
    •  the budget period start date found in the grant award notice or grant agreement (百 Post Award Academic Grant and Fellowship Guidelines Spring, 2015).
    • 后 百分配了一个限制性基金号码,
    • 后 you receive a copy of your approved IRB protocol - be sure to share that with 百.
  • 和你的预算经理一起采购, 提交发票, 接受预付款和报销, 等.
  • 跟踪你所有的拨款支出. School or department budget managers usually send PIs monthly financial reports of grant activity. You can also request information (a “data-dump”) of expenses running through the fund at any time from your budget manager or from 百.


  • PIs will work with their department chair to manage their course release.
  • The PI’s budget manager will take care of the logistics for overload or adjunct professors.


各机构分配资金的方式多种多样. 有些公司会随赠款协议或在指定日期寄出支票. If an agency mails a check, it should be made out to 好的赌博软件推荐 and directed to:

Wagane Diadhiou

联邦政府的拨款是以偿还为基础的. Subsequently, SPU does not receive grant funds until they have been spent. Every quarter the finance office initiates requests funds from the granting agency for each award.

  • 注意: SPU may receive notice that NSF or NIH has “released funds” for a specific grant award. This does not mean funds are being transferred but that those specified funds are now available for SPU to draw down. 偿还全部“释放资金”实际上可能需要几个月的时间.

合格的部门会有他们的F&A cost recovery funds (indirects) directly deposited into their appropriate accounts by the controller. 这通常每季度进行一次.


You are responsible to write all interim and final reports required by your agency, meeting specified deadlines based on the terms and conditions of the award.

  • Federal agencies and most private sponsors notify the PI that a report is due. 请将此通知发送至百
  • Sponsors’ websites provide detailed report guidelines and required forms.
  • 百将编写财务报告. 请务必分享由机构提供的所有报告文件.
  • The Director of the 赞助项目办公室 must review and approve all financial reports before submission.
  • 百 or the PI may submit reports depending on the policy of each granting agency. 


事件或问题可能需要对项目进行更改. pi应该与赞助商讨论这些问题. 小改动(i).e., different travel plans, purchase of equipment other than that included in an approved budget, 等.)可能不需要批准. 大的变化,比如PI的变化,通常是这样的. 请随时联系百更改您的资助.


提醒如果你打算申请免费延期, please be sure to make the request 45 days prior to the grant expiration (i.e.(拨款预算期结束).


  • 您的赞助商的网站将提供详细信息和所需的表格.
  • SPU requires closeout of sponsored projects and programs in accordance with federal regulations, 具体的赞助商政策, and the terms of the award within the time frame required by the sponsor.
  • For federal grants SPU must submit a final federal financial report (FFR), 最终技术报告, and final invention statement and certification within 90 days of the grant expiration.
  • Failure to submit timely and accurate final reports may affect future funding for the University or awards with the same PI.


If you are currently working on a grant and plan to leave SPU for another institution please contact 百 as soon as possible. Check your sponsor’s policies and procedures and work with 百 to determine if or how the grant will transfer to your new institution. 在大多数情况下,赠款可以毫无问题地转移, 但早期规划是必要的,因为这个过程可能很长.


SPU undergoes a federal audit each spring or summer during which grants are randomly selected for review. 如果你的资助被选中审核, 百 will notify you and provide the Finance 办公室 with all requested documentation. Among other things, auditors check whether or not reports have been submitted on time.