
Programs offered
  • 运动科学 (major and minor)

The 运动科学 faculty are committed to delivering a program that promotes health through physical activity while valuing and examining physical activity through a Christian worldview. 

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.



  • A minimum 80 credits are required for this major, including 35 upper-division credits.
  • 确认有一个2.5 GPA in at least 9 credits taken at SPU that apply to this major.
  • In this major, you are required to complete the 54 credits of core courses, as well as the remainder additional credits.
  • 这个专业包括 3个选修学分.
  • In this major, you are required to complete PE 4899 “Senior Capstone,” 在其中你研究一个主题, 写一篇文档齐全的论文, and present it before your professors and peers.



  • A minimum 36 credits are required for this a minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • 至少要有2.5 GPA in at least 9 credits taken at SPU applicable to this minor prior to being accepted to this minor.
  • 课程包括两个季度 《赌博十大靠谱软件》,“运动生理学”,” “Biomechanics,” “Wellness and Physical Activity,” “Psychological Aspects of Health and Physical Activity,“应用运动科学”,和“功能解剖学”.”


  • 至少要有2.5 GPA in at least 9 credits taken at SPU to apply for this major or minor.
  • Apply to this major or minor through the online 主修或副修申请.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to this major or minor.

Future teachers


If you plan to obtain elementary Residency Teacher Certification and are interested in teaching health and fitness, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 with a concentration in Health and Fitness.

The concentration consists of courses in nutrition and health and fitness, and the advisor for the 综合研究:健康 and Fitness Concentration is Dr. 约翰·阿特韦尔-斯克里夫纳(jaas@hebhgkq.com).


If you plan to seek secondary Teacher Certification and obtain a Washington state teaching endorsement in health and fitness, you must complete a minimum 45 credits in Health and Fitness to obtain your original/first endorsement or a minimum 24 credits in Health and Fitness to obtain a supporting/ second endorsement.

See 认证要求 in 教育学院 for more information.

Advisor Dr. JoAnn Atwell-Scrivner can be contacted at jaas@hebhgkq.com or 206-281-2941. 

Students walking towards the coast at Camp Casey


From “Outdoor Survival” to “Introduction to Ballet,” explore lifetime activity courses available to all students.



Visit the 健康与人类表现 Department in the 卫生科学学院 to see how a degree from this department can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in the world.

Time Schedule: 健康与人类表现

Course Planning

建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.